In This Moment. “Cultivate Something Good”
Here at home on Tuesday, March 24th, 2020, I am thinking about the radical changes set in motion by the arrival of the Corona virus to our shores. Today our Governor has alerted us to the new Covid19 restrictions. Here on Cape Cod, we now have 30 confirmed cases with that number changing hourly . Most of us are following the guidelines of our Governor, Charlie Baker, in limiting our social contact and staying home.
This situation challenges us like nothing else ever has in the history of this nation let alone our lifetime. There is no need for me to reiterate what all of us know from consistent up-to-date news reporting on TV and social media sites.
With that being said, I’d like to share some of personal feelings, emotions and tactics to stay positive mentally which, in my view, realties to my physical well being and ability to keep my immune system healthy and resistant to viral onslaught.
One of the best post I’ve read recently was posted by Seth Godin and Margo Aaron “ Calm also has a coefficient” Coronavirus Is Serious, But Panic Is Optional . To sum up what the authors have to say is the affirmation to maintain all standards and guidelines set forth by the experts on this virus, be ethical and moral citizens with concern for our neighbors and try to support our local business when safe and possible.
Let’s keep that sense of community going and share other helpful ways to pass the time at home. What are you doing to manage stress, stay active, keep in touch with friends and family or just make it through the day? What has brought you joy, even if brief and fleeting, during this time? What are you grateful for?
I can think of nothing more therapeutic than creating something beautiful in the garden. With the advent of Spring, we are so fortunate to be able to be outside, get some fresh air and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. “Cultivate Something Good – Your Garden and Your Well-Being”_
Why not tackle this project_a beautiful garden with raised beds overflowing with cutting flowers, vegetables and herbs for your table. See the idea here_Gardenista.
Please stay well friends. I am keeping all of you in my thoughts and hoping that we can all unite to conquer this viral pandemic.