Meet Elaine
As one of my 2020 goals, I have once again started to be consistent in my writing. This is a journal of my thoughts and impressions covering a gamut of topics that interest me. I am a gardener at heart and most happy with dirt under my nails. I also help others design their gardens and landscapes and get enormous pleasure in helping them achieve their goals. I see very little difference in the passions of my personal life and the integration of my career_they are both expressions of who I am and my need to be creative.
I love photography and it is a natural progression of my love of nature and Cape Cod to want to try to capture it on “film.” My new iPhone 10 is a handy tool when time and inclination do not allow the use of my Canon DSLR. Most of the photographs on this blog have been taken with the iPhone.
The study of Yoga Science and Buddhism integrates well with my lifestyle and I attempt to read consistently from favorite books on that topic. The love of my life is Charlie, my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, who entered my heart in August after the passing of my soul-mate Molly. We spend a lot of time visiting our favorite beaches and trails and it is rare that he is not with me in the garden, at work and on daily rides here and there.
Thank you to all my readers in the past and I do hope you continue to follow my posts in the months to come.
Take a minute to view my new web site:_elainemjohnson.com and please like my Facebook page:_Elaine M. Johnson Landscape Design.